
1. To raise the standard of Qur'anic studies inside and outside KAU.

2. To provide manifest evidence that the Wise Qur'an is the last and ever-preserved Divine Message to all humanity.

3. To expand the scope of spreading the Holy Qur'an's readability, and facilitating its comprehension and rule-based recitation, taking into account readers' and reciters' various languages and its various lections.

4. To improve the systems of teaching, preserving and explaining the Holy Qur'an via a sound cognitive methodology intertwining originality and contemporaneity.

5. To develop a discourse suitable for the present generation and its needs, and addressing some of its problems.

6. Creativity in scientific research in the domain of Qur'anic studies.

7. To participate in the national plan for improving scientific research.

8. To fulfill the private sector's wish to partake in scientific renaissance.

9. To renew planning in Qur'anic studies.

Last Update
6/27/2010 11:48:52 AM