Methods and Projects
First Year Projects
Preparing a guide to Qur'anic studies bibliographies.
Responding to the most serious anti-Islamic rumors and allegations by studying their roots and causes, and replying to them with textual and logical proofs.
Giving general lectures on Qur'anic studies, and defining the goals of the Academic Chair of Qur'anic Studies.
Exchanging experiences in the field of Qur'anic issues with universities inside and outside KSA.
Providing academic consultations on innovative research in PhDs and promotion research papers.
Developing bases to detect anonymous manuscripts in Qur'anic studies.
Creating a nucleus of a specialized Qur'anic studies e-library.
Supervising MAs and PhDs.
Qualifying experienced Qur'anic studies researchers.
Conducting dialogues with those concerned with and interested in Qur'anic studies on the worldwide web.
Second Year Projects:
Developing a plan for creating e-tree and wall diagrams indicating the chains of reciters of the Qur'an starting from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) up to contemporary male and female reciters.
Developing a plan for facilitating gaining knowledge about the science of frequent Qur'anic lections science, indicated through a practical model in some Qur'anic Chapters, highlighting the importance of the science of Qur'anic lections.
Theorization to learn of Prophetic pauses in the Holy Qur'an as deduced from authentic Sayings.
Designing an academic website for facilitating the exegesis by answering the related questions of knowledge seekers and publishing the most important Chair news.
Preparing a dictionary of the biographies of male and female reciters from the 9th Century A.H. up to the present time.
Organizing research workshops defining innovative methods in academic research in the sphere of Qur'anic studies.
Developing a plan comprising all the aspects of Qur'an-based exegesis and its roots.
Third Year Projects
Developing a program plan for the rule-based recitation of the Glorious Qur'an combining state-of-the-art technology with major reciters' recitation.
Developing a curriculum on the restrictions of translating the Holy Qur'an into other languages.
Setting academic regulations for the topical exegesis of the Holy Qur'an.
Developing a plan for documenting frequent Qur'anic lections through written and audio-visual computer programs.
Developing a plan for establishing a thematic satellite channel for the Holy Qur'an broadcast in Arabic, then in English.
Developing a plan for a simplified digital encyclopedia compiling frequent and odd Qur'anic lections and insuring access to them via innovative indexs. Such an encyclopedia suits all knowledge seekers, be them specialized in Qur'anic lections science or not.
Adding Qur'an-related subjects in academic courses.
Conducting research on the development of the exegesis science from Prophet Muhammad's time to the present time.
Last Update
6/27/2010 11:52:07 AM