Research Papers and Studies
All thanks are due to Allah for conducting 42 research papers as follows:
A) Indexes and Description Series including six research papers:
Qur'anic Web Directory.
Computer programs.
Qur'anic Dictionaries Indexes.
Exegesis and Qur'anic Sciences Books Indexes.
Conference and Seminar Directory.
Qur'anic Studies Bibliography Indexes.
Printed Qur'anic Copies Indexes.
Qur'anic Centers and Institutions Guide.
B) Qur'anic Sciences Bibliography Series including 15 research papers:
Recitation Pauses and Start Points.
Bibliography of Abrogative and Abrogated Verses.
Tradition-Based Exegesis Bibliography.
Qur'anic Characteristics Bibliography.
Qur'anic Virtues Bibliography.
Bibliography of the Parsing of the Qur'an.
Qur'anic Meanings Bibliography.
Controversially-Interpreted Qur'anic Verses Bibliography.
Qur'anic Parables Bibliography.
الأشباه والنظائر Similar and Counter Aspects
Uncommon Qur'anic Diction غريب ألفاظ القرآن
Bibliography of the Scientific Miraculousness of the Qur'an.
Bibliography of the Figurative Miraculousness of the Qur'an.
Bibliography of the numerical miraculousness of the Qur'an.
Theme-Based Exegesis Bibliography.
Bibliography of Scientific Exegesis of the Qur'an.
Bibliography of the Relations Between Qur'anic Verses.
Bibliography of the Rulings of the Qur'an.
Bibliography of Qur'anic Script.
Bibliography of the Number of Qur'anic Verses.
Bibliography of the Exegesis Rules and Fundamentals.
Bibliography of Exegetes' Methods.
Bibliography of Articles on Copies of the Qur'an.
Bibliography of Revelation Reasons.
C) The Series of "Replying to Anti-Islamic Allegations" including 3 research papers:
A Reply to the Allegation Denying the Revelation.
A Reply to the Allegation Objecting to the Implementation of Punishment in Islamic Law.
A Reply to the Allegation Attributing violence to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
A Reply to the Allegation That Prophet Muhammad Had Greed for Money and Booty.
A Reply to the Allegation Pertinent to the Mispronunciation of Sounds in the Qur'an.
D) The Series of "Reciters Dictionary" معجم القراء complementing the Book titled غاية النهاية لابن الجزري including 4 parts:
9th Century Reciters Dictionary.
10th Century Reciters Dictionary.
11th Century Reciters Dictionary.
12th Century Reciters Dictionary.
13th Century Reciters Dictionary.
14th Century Reciters Dictionary
15th Century Reciters Dictionary
E) The Series of "Facilitating Qur'anic Studies" including two research papers:
The Rules of Detecting Anonymous Manuscripts in Qur'anic Studies.
Setting a Plan for the Project of Qur'an-Based Qur'anic Exegesis.
Prophetic Pauses in the Qur'an.
The Rules of Translating the Qur'an.