c.v-the supervisor of the chair

Name: Dr. Mohammad A. Halawani
Address: King Abdulaziz University
City: Jeddah    PC:  80202
Country: Saudi Arabia

Telephone ( office  ) 6952000  Ext   65163
Mobile : 0503617717 
Email : 
2.Bachelor Degree

Institution: Umm Al Qura School of Education Taif  Branch 

Country: Saudi Arabia
Major : Islamic Studies
Date of Graduation 21/7  /1987


3. Master Degree

Institution : Umm Al Qura   University   
city: Makkah 

Country: Saudi Arabia
Major : Aqidah (Faith )
Date of Graduation:  14/7/1993
Thesis: Authentification of Asarim Al Maslul Ala Shatim Arasoul – by Ebn Taimiah

4. Ph.D. Degree

Institution: Umm Al Qura   University   
city: Makkah 

Country: Saudi Arabia
Major : Aqidah ( Faith )
Date of Graduation:   8/7/1999
Dissertation: Abu Al Saud Al Emadi And his faith




1. Teaching Assistant  in Taif 1988

2. Assistant Professor in KAU Jeddah 1999

3. Chief of Islamic group in Faculty of Art and Humanities 2001

4. Head of Islamic studies
 department from 2004 to 2008  

5.Emam of the big mosque in the university since 2006 to 2009
6. Supervisor of Quranic Studies Chair from 2007 for three years
7- Associate Professor in KAU Jeddah 2009



Last Update
6/12/2012 1:28:57 PM