Career and Experience

Dr. Muhammad Bin Abdullah Al-Halawani





Imam and Orator, Ash-Shehry Mosque

Endowments and Mosques Department, Ta'if

18/1/1406 A.H.

Teaching Assistant

Intermediate Faculty, Ta'if

1/9/1408 A.H.

Assistant Professor

Islamic Studies Department, KAU

11/3/1412 A.H.

Islamic Awareness Committee Rapporteur

Students Affairs Deanship, KAU

27/7/1422 A.H.

Head of Islamic Studies Department

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities, KAU

15/1/1425 A.H.

Imam and Orator, the University Grand Mosque


12/1/1427 A.H.

Supervisor, Muallim Muhammad 'Awad Bin Laden Chair of Qur'anic Studies

Research and Consulting Institute

9/1/1428 A.H.

Academic and Research Concerns:

  1. Qur'anic topics, Islamic fields and contemporary intellectual trends.
  2. Various Islamic Law and dogmatic aspects.
  3. Academic replies.

Teacher of:

  1. Islamic Belief (Level 1).
  2. Islamic Belief (level 2).
  3. Groups.
  4. Religions.
  5. Contemporary Intellectual Trends.
  6. Reform Movements.
  7. Da'wah Jurisprudence.
  8. Muslim Culture (Level 1).
  9. Muslim Culture (Level 4).

Membership of Academic Committees and Organizations:

  1. Rapporteur, Islamic Awareness, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, (1422 A.H.), for two years.
  2. Head of Islamic Studies Department (1425 A.H.-1429 A.H.)
  3. Chairman, Committee of Attending Conferences and Symposia, Islamic Studies Department.
  4. Chairman, Class Timetable Committee, Islamic Studies Department.
  5. Chairman, General Exam Committee, Islamic Studies Department.
  6. Chairman, Course Transfer Committee, Islamic Studies Department.
  7. Chairman, Structuring and Curricula Committee, Islamic Studies Department.
  8. Member of the Technological Program for Developing the Educational Process, KAU.
  9.  Member of the Academic Affairs Committee, External Students System.
  10. Member of the Disciplinary Committee, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
  11. Member of the Committee for Course Structuring, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
  12. Member of the Consultative Committee, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
  13. Member of the Anti-Drugs Awareness Committee.
  14. Member of the Committee of the Center for Family and Childhood, KAU.
  15. Member of the Committee of the Chair of Islamic Studies, Research and Consulting Institute.
  16. Main Researcher, Muallim Muhammad 'Awad Bin Laden Chair of Qur'anic Studies.

Last Update
6/29/2010 10:56:43 AM