Statement by the Chair Supervisor

Statement by the Chair Supervisor


All thanks are due only to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the last Prophet, Muhammad, and all his family and Companions. To commence, out of His Grace, Allah Almighty has facilitated the fulfillment of a great wish; for years, many of us had looked forward to seeing that dream come true, namely the establishment of an academic chair serving the Holy Qur'an and its sciences. Thanks to Allah, our beloved King Abdulaziz University has cooperated with Bin Laden Group; a fruitful academic partnership that resulted in the establishment of that chair under the name of "Muallem Muhammad Awad Bin Ladin Chair for Quranic Studies" as the first academic chair serving the Holy Qur'an at  the level of the Saudi universities and other similar institutions.

That noble Chair, honored by serving the Holy Qur'an, was established on the first day of the Qur'an Month i.e. Ramadan 1, in 1428 A.H. with creative academic goals, useful future visions, and a great academic message, namely serving the Book of Allah Almighty and our contemporary society as well as promoting academic development and  innovative research in Qur'anic studies.

Out of His Generosity bestowed upon us and upon the Chair, Allah has willed that Professor Hekmat Basheer Yaseen be appointed as Professor of the Chair, given his status as a respectable professor, an able scholar, a notable Muslim figure, and an authority specialized in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Indeed, Professor Yaseen is known for academic excellence, pioneering expertise, and worldwide fame and his resume speaks well for that; why not, if he, with the help of Allah Almighty, was the one who brought the Chair's various programs to light and made its remarkable achievements throughout its stages and steps.

Verily, acting to serve the book of Allah Almighty is a great honor and one should take pride in working on related research and studies, be that in terms of finance, administration, academic work or research. may Allah Almighty reward all those contributing to the chair's work best, and let us all be among the people of the Qur'an; those who are the people of Allah chosen by Him! All thanks are due to Allah with whose Bounty good deeds are done!


Chair Supervisor

Dr. Muhammad Bin Abdullah Al-Halawani





Last Update
6/18/2012 11:19:43 AM