notification The scientific chair
The scientific chair : its a research program reforms in it a scientist or a world distinguished researcher - in a specific scientific field - with holding specialized researches, targeting the enrichment of the human knowledge, and the development of the thought and the confrontation of the challenges ; to serve the issues of the local development .
The target from establishing the scientific chair :
Qualitative jump achievement · towards the distinction and the creativity on the regional and scientific levels
The activation of the university role to contribute to the arrival by Kingdom of Saudi Arabia society To the society of knowledge, thought, the development and the scientific development.
Investment of the local creative cadres and the benefit from the world experiences to achieve The successful scientific partnerships through the attraction of world professors in the scientific research.
The national income sources variation is from what leads to the achievement of the maintenance of the national acquisitions The human and intellectual development is to the future generations emerging from the research cognitive environment And the increase of the numbers of the distinguished researchers in the university.
The creation of new solutions of the contemporary issues, and a support the researches with the productive priority and the effective at the service of the society.
( about the scientific chairs, the preparation of research institute and consultations, a publication March 2008 AD )